youtube shorts

How to Get More Views on YouTube Shorts

Table of Contents

    What is YouTube Shorts?

    Shorts is a relatively new section on YouTube and, at the same time, an interesting tool available to content creators on the platform. It has already become quite popular. If you choose a topic wisely and present a concise video (usually up to one minute), you can gather millions of views within a few days! This can be an excellent opportunity to earn money or promote your own product.

    The Shorts section is accessible to both content creators and regular users – the audience. In simple terms, the format is presented as short vertical videos. This is a significant advantage for smartphone owners, as video viewing is significantly optimized and simplified. However, even desktop users often explore the Shorts section, spending hours watching entertaining or useful videos.

    Can you make money with YouTube Shorts?

    monetize shorts

    The possibility of earning money is real! Shorts is a great source of additional income, and sometimes even the main source! Residents of many countries, with few restrictions and exceptions (with rare exceptions), can earn well with Shorts. The rules of the partner program are presented in the reference section.

    In any case, the format can be used not only to generate income but also to attract traffic and redirect it, for example, to social networks or Telegram.

    Questions about which tools and means can increase the level of views with their competent use are relevant. Let’s consider them.

    The following tips will help increase views

    1. Capture the user’s attention from the beginning

    To capture the user’s attention and make them click on your short vertical video, you can try:

    • Create an attractive cover that corresponds to the topic. This is the most crucial moment. Practice shows that the cover is often a decisive factor, even in the case of full-length videos. Especially in the Shorts section, currently located below regular videos;
    • Come up with a catchy title. However, you should not unjustifiably overvalue the content, mislead users in other ways. Sensational materials and low-quality content are prohibited.

    Here, we are talking about the initial attention-grabbing. However, to capture and make the user watch the video to the end, it is only possible with a skillful disclosure of the declared topic from the very beginning. And it should be engaging. But it is essential to consider the target audience. For example, teenagers like slang and better understand the presentation using corresponding words and phrases. Adults, on the other hand, are unlikely to appreciate such an approach. The former like entertaining content, while the latter prefer useful tips.

    Tip: Avoid long and boring introductions. If the user clicked on your video, it means the topic is already somewhat familiar to them.

    2. Optimize the video duration

    The recommended duration (maximum) is up to 60 seconds. Referring to the opinions of experts and professionals is impractical because much depends on the chosen topic and the characteristics of the target audience.

    In the previously presented reference section, it is noted that videos longer than one minute do not fall under the definition of the format. Therefore, conciseness, brevity, and precision of presentation are basic advantages.

    Here’s what will help determine the duration:

    • Topic. Entertainment and interesting videos can be made longer (up to a minute). Informational and promotional ones, within the acceptable regulations, are better to be shortened, i.e., to extract the essence from the very beginning;
    • Target audience. This is more complicated. The thing is, predicting who will click on the video is difficult. Teenagers like to spend time in the Shorts section, entertaining themselves. Adults, on the other hand, seek useful information and often prefer concise and substantive but “dry” videos;
    • Communication goal. Entertainment content can be made lengthy, while promotional content should be short.

    3. Use the Latest Trends


    To identify trends, it is enough to watch vertical videos that are in top positions. Here are some constant tools that work, even if conditionally:

    • Seasonal relevance. Aligning the theme and visuals with the upcoming season, for example, ensures greater attractiveness of the video. This works with summer, autumn, and spring, as well as with holidays, political, and other global events;
    • Jokes and humor. This is another almost unchanged trend. Any information presented with a touch of healthy humor will be perceived well by users at the very least;
    • Providing value. Content usefulness is an additional constant trend. However, much depends on the topic and target audience.

    Here are reasons to use:

    • Self-improvement, education;
    • Fashion and style;
    • Technology and gadgets.

    These themes often become trends.

    4. Create Attractive Headlines and Understandable Descriptions

    Here’s what’s important:

    • Choosing the right headline. We’ve already discussed this. It should be concise, short, engaging, perhaps even intriguing and sparking interest. Ordinary and typical titles are unlikely to make videos popular;
    • High-quality and clear description. The user, before clicking, should get at least a minimal idea of what awaits them as a result of watching;
    • Choosing hashtags. We talked about trends. Here’s a simple example of a tag: #Trends_Year (2023, 2024, or another). Also, good options are #YouTubeShorts, #Video_Theme, #Keywords.

    5. Add Subtitles

    shorts subtitles

    Not all users are willing to watch videos in the Shorts section with sound. A break at work, among other reasons – it doesn’t matter. Having subtitles is a guarantee of a broader reach.

    Often, subtitles, under certain conditions, guarantee high rankings for vertical videos. However, it is crucial that they are original.

    6. Create Attractive Video Thumbnails

    attractive thumbnails

    We’ve touched on this topic already, albeit indirectly. Therefore, let’s provide more examples of what a good and attractive thumbnail is. It should be:

    • Bright and appealing. This ensures user attention;
    • Intriguing. Any interesting frame, partially revealing the key message and being engaging, will be a plus.

    Random fragments automatically set by the YouTube platform are undesirable. Rarely, but they become catchy; however, assuming that this will be fair for every vertical video is not worth it. It’s better to pay attention to the thumbnail and spend time on its design.

    7. Engage with Your Audience in Comments

    reply in comments shorts
    comments shorts

    Comments are one of the tools for promoting videos, both in a general sense and in the Shorts section. There is an opinion that they influence ranking. Setting aside this moment and considering the question only from the point of view of relationships, it should be noted that content creators who interact with subscribers achieve greater success.

    Through comments, you can:

    • Search for topics for new videos. Users often describe their own expectations;
    • Attract subscribers. An example of a tool is announcing a contest for the most non-standard comment;
    • Promote videos.

    8. Experiment with Looping Videos

    Not always, but looping helps increase views. It is advisable to be careful with this tool. Therefore, an experiment is reasonable. Based on its results, you can decide whether looping is worth applying.

    9. Release Content Regularly

    Here it’s simple: consistency guarantees stability. None of the successful content creators can maintain positions without releasing videos regularly at a minimum. The frequency should be determined based on goals. Examples:

    • Entertainment content. There’s never too much of it. 3-4 posts per week or more is a good level. But it’s essential to consider the workload. The point is that damage to quality is unacceptable;
    • Advertisement videos. Users usually have a negative attitude towards ads. The less, the better.

    Thus, as before, it is necessary to be guided primarily by a range of features typical for Shorts usage to achieve certain goals.


    To become a successful creator and conquer the Shorts section, you need to:

    • Strive to capture users’ attention, engage them;
    • Optimize the duration of each new video;
    • Pay due attention to trends;
    • Create attractive headlines and informative descriptions;
    • Add subtitles, make them original;
    • Create attractive thumbnails;
    • Use tags;
    • Interact with the audience;
    • Regularly release content.

    Experimentation is also advisable, for example, with looping. The point is that there are no universal and 100% effective tips. There are only guidelines, approximate tactics, and content promotion strategies that require individualization, adaptation to the goals and tasks faced by a specific Shorts creator.


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